10 years of strong partnership: SECUINFRA and the Rüdersdorf rowing club

For ten years, SECUINFRA and Rüdersdorfer Ruderverein Kalkberge e.V. (RRVK) have enjoyed a committed partnership based on shared passion and long-term commitment. In 2014, our CEO Ramon Weil discovered the German Rowing League in Frankfurt am Main during a walk and met the athletes of the Rüdersdorfer Achter. This brought back memories, as he himself celebrated successes as a youngster on the Rüdersdorfer Ruderverein’s ragtops. This led to a collaboration that continues to this day.

SECUINFRA initially supported the Rüdersdorfer Achter, also known as the SECUINFRA Achter, in the 1st and 2nd German Rowing League. Even after the boat no longer took part in competitions in 2018 due to staff shortages, SECUINFRA did not discontinue its sponsorship, but shifted its support to training and further education for the club’s children.

Since 2014, summer team events have also been held at the lake every two years, where our employees and the club’s athletes spend time together in a relaxed atmosphere and get to know each other better – a valuable contribution to team building and deepening the partnership.

“With SECUINFRA, we have a reliable partner that has been supporting our work as a rowing club with monthly grants since 2014. This enables us to get children and young people interested in the sport, promote talent and integrate people with physical or mental disabilities into club life,” says Uwe Gross, Chairman of the rowing club.

In addition to this partnership, SECUINFRA also supports other social projects: From supporting the Naturschutzjugend Brandenburg (NAJU), Brotzeit e.V. and Straßenkinder e.V. to promoting young talent in the field of IT security, SECUINFRA shows that social commitment is an integral part of its corporate culture.

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Dorothea Olig • Autor

Marketing Manager

Dorothea Olig is Marketing Manager at SECUINFRA and responsible for all marketing-related topics, both onsite and offsite.

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