Since 2010, we have been helping companies to detect and fend off cyber attacks before major damage occurs.

Detect attackers at an early stage

Managed Detection & Response (MDR)

Immediate help with cyber attacks

Incident Management

That's why SECUINFRA

With our ISO 27001-certified Managed Detection and Response Services, we detect and analyze attacks on our customers’ IT systems around the clock, 365 days a year. Our aim is always to detect attackers at an early stage and remove them from our customers’ IT infrastructure before they can cause major damage.

We help companies that are not yet using our Managed Detection and Response Services and have fallen victim to a cyberattack quickly and efficiently with our 24/7 Incident Response Services.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

No company wants to be the victim of a cyber attack. But every company is different. For this reason, SECUINFRA has developed three completely different Managed Detection and Response Services.

  • ISO 27001 certified MDR service
  • 24/7, 365 days a year
  • Cyber defense for all company sizes

Incident Management

Have you been the victim of a cyberattack? We help you quickly and efficiently, around the clock, 365 days a year! Proper coordination and communication during a cyber attack prevents major damage.

  • 24/7 availability of our experts
  • Quick help for every company
  • Structured procedure according to best practice

Cyber Defense Solutions​

Our Cyber Defense Solutions offer advanced technologies and strategies to protect companies against the ever-growing threat of cyber attacks.

  • Long-standing strategic partnerships
  • We develop individual solutions
  • Targeted response to changes

Cyber Defence Consulting​

With tailored advice and expert knowledge, we help companies to build robust defense mechanisms to protect themselves effectively against increasingly complex cyber attacks.

  • Modular & flexible
  • No dependencies and hidden costs!
  • Strengthen & optimize security strategies

Do you have specific questions or need individual advice?

Our team of experts is at your disposal. Contact us.


SECUINFRA, expert and partner for cyber defense, has specialized in the detection, analysis and defense against cyber attacks since 2010. Its core expertise lies in the areas of Managed Detection & Response (MDR) and Incident Response (IR). Using MDR, SECUINFRA detects and analyzes cyber attacks on companies 365 days a year, around the clock, and fends them off before major damage occurs. The Incident Response Team helps companies to deal with cyber attacks. SECUINFRA also supports companies in setting up and operating Security Operation Centers (SOC) and Cyber Detection & Response Centers (CDRC).

Companies should be able to recognize and fend off cyber attacks before major damage occurs.

Ramon Weil, Founder and CEO

Latest news

Las Vegas, the city that never sleeps, was recently the meeting place for two of the most important events in the field of cybersecurity and data processing: Cribl Con 2024 and Splunkconf 2024. Our cybersecurity specialists, Alexander Dürr, Managing Cyber Defense Consultant, and Christian Schmidt, Cyber Defense Consultant, were there to represent SECUINFRA GmbH in this highly dynamic environment.
A sporting triumph for SECUINFRA! At this year’s J. P. Morgan Corporate Challenge in Frankfurt, our colleagues Marijo, Nils, Lukas, Markus and Simon put in an outstanding performance and achieved 233rd place out of more than 2000 participating companies. They came 233rd out of more than 2000 participating companies. This corporate run, known for promoting fitness, team spirit and charity, was a complete success again this year.
As co-organizers, our team at SECUINFRA is particularly pleased that the NIS-2 Congress, which was held last week from the 10. to July 11, 2024 in Stuttgart was a complete success. 25 exhibitors and 362 participants met to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the field of network and information security.
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