Compromise Assessment

Detect compromised systems before major damage occurs!
  • Fast, efficient and reliable detection of compromised systems after cyber attacks.
  • Initiating countermeasures at an early stage keeps attackers away from critical systems and data.
  • Continuous Compromise Assessment sustainably increases your cyber resilience through proactivity.
Compromises detected in customer systems
Proven and multiple award-winning since 2017
Systems in the Continuous Compromise Assessment

Detect compromised systems through Compromise Assessment before major damage occurs and increase your cyber resilience through Continuous Compromise Assessment.

Compromise Assessment
Detect compromised systems quickly, efficiently and reliably!

In the event of a cyber attack, it is extremely important to resolve the issue as quickly and reliably as possible:

Which systems are compromised?

SECUINFRA ́s Compromise Assessment answers this question in the fastest, most efficient and most reliable way.

With our Compromise Assessment, which has been tried and tested since 2017 and has won multiple awards, we help you to reliably track down all compromised systems in your company after a cyberattack. Only after a clear separation between compromised and “clean” systems can further countermeasures such as forensic analyses, malware analyses and the reconstruction of your infrastructure be tackled in a sustainable manner.

Compromise assessment is one of the most important building blocks in the incident response case.

With our comprehensive incident response services, we provide you with targeted and competent support following a cyberattack.


Incident Response

We help companies that are not yet using our Managed Detection and Response Services and have fallen victim to a cyberattack quickly and efficiently with our 24/7 Incident Response Services.


Compromise Assessment

The APT Scanner is the core component of our Service Compromise Assessment. By professionally evaluating the scan results of the APT scanner, our cyber defense experts are able to efficiently and reliably detect compromised IT systems in your infrastructure.


Digital Forensics

In the area of digital forensics, our cyber defense experts use APT scanners to quickly gain an initial overview of the extent of a cyber attack. In addition, initial conclusions can be drawn about the course of the crime. Both are essential for the complete investigation of an external cyber attack or internal misconduct.

Continuous Compromise Assessment:
To improve your cyber resilience!

While vulnerability management helps you to identify and manage vulnerabilities, regular penetration tests and Red Team Exercises show you whether these vulnerabilities can also be exploited.

But isn’t it much more important to know whether vulnerabilities have already been exploited or systems in your company have already been compromised?

This is precisely where the SECUINFRA Continuous Compromise Assessment comes in. By continuously checking your systems for traces of attacks, you can be sure that your systems are “clean” at all times and are informed immediately if compromised systems are detected.

The Continuous Compromise Assessment is an excellent addition to your security measures and thus increases your cyber resilience.


Management of vulnerabilities
in your infrastructure


Shows whether
vulnerabilities can be exploited

Compromise Assessment

Shows whether
vulnerabilities have already been exploited

After compromising an IT system, an attacker does not reach the final target. The longer it remains undetected, the closer it gets to your critical systems and data and the greater the damage to your company!

SECUINFRA ́s Compromise Assessment uses forensic methods and tools to specifically search for traces of cyber attacks and reliably detect compromised IT systems.

Compromise Assessment

Without the regular use of forensic methods and tools to check IT systems, it takes several months before a compromise is detected, according to studies of known cyberattacks. If a compromise goes undetected, it’s only a matter of time before an attacker gains access to your most critical systems and data, causing significant damage.

Compromise Assessment

By regularly using forensic methods and tools to check your IT systems, the time it takes to detect a compromise is reduced to just a few days.
By detecting a compromise quickly, countermeasures can be initiated at an early stage and an attacker can be kept away from critical systems and data. A high level of damage can be prevented.

Our awards in the area of Compromise Assessment

SECUINFRA has been one of the TOP 10 digital forensics consulting/service companies in Europe since 2020 according to Enterprise Security Magazine!

Best service in the area of advanced persistent threat (APT) detection and response

Winner of the Use Case Award 2023 of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers e.V. (GFFT) in the Cybersecurity category

Winner of the Cybersecurity Excellence Award in the field of Advanced Persistent Threat Protection (APT) in Europe!

We help you to detect compromised systems quickly and efficiently. With our Compromise Assessment, we have already been able to save numerous companies from high losses.

Marius Gensheimer, Cyber Defense Expert

Marius Gensheimer, Cyber Defense Expert

The most important FAQs from the area of Compromise Assessment

SECUINFRA Compromise Assessment uses forensic methods and tools to specifically search for traces of cyber attacks and reliably detect compromised IT systems. By quickly detecting a compromise, countermeasures can be initiated at an early stage and an attacker can be kept away from critical systems and data. Major damage can thus be avoided.

A Compromise Assessment basically consists of four phases: Rollout, Scan, Analysis and Report. You will find a detailed description of our procedure further down on this page.

SECUINFRA’s Compromise Assessment Service can be used both preventively, without a known threat situation, and in the aftermath of a security incident that has already occurred. The latter scenario includes, for example, situations in which an initial cyber attack on your company network has been confirmed, but there is still no further evidence of the course of the attack and therefore no basis for targeted forensic investigations. Our Compromise Assessment clarifies the further spread of the attack in record time and prevents major damage.

Our service integrates perfectly into parallel operation with antivirus/endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions, as detection rules for attacker behavior and current vulnerabilities are applied in addition to signatures and malware behavior. Precise analysis results are achieved by incorporating up-to-date threat intelligence data adapted to the respective incident. Even in restrictive environments, such as production environments (OT) with legacy systems, our Compromise Assessment Service provides insights that comparable solutions cannot achieve.

Our service is based on the products of our long-standing partner Nextron Systems GmbH. In addition, analysis tools developed in-house and the extensive know-how of our cyber defense experts ensure the successful use of our Compromise Assessment Service in your company.

Our approach to Compromise Assessment

A compromise assessment can be carried out once as an ad hoc compromise assessment after a cyber attack has been detected. Our cyber defense experts quickly and efficiently assess the extent of the attack and reliably identify compromised IT systems. This is the basis for initiating further incident response measures. A Compromise Assessment can also be carried out regularly as a Continuous Compromise Assessment. Our cyber defense experts regularly examine your IT systems to identify compromised systems at an early stage. In this way, countermeasures can be initiated before major damage occurs.

In both use cases, a compromise assessment comprises the following 4 phases:

During the rollout phase, we work with you to gain an overview of the number of systems to be considered and the software configurations used in your company. The management environment is then installed and configured and the agent software for the service is rolled out to the infrastructure (client and server systems).

The scanning phase depends on the selected service package:

  • Ad-hoc Compromise Assessment
  • Continuous Compromise Assessment

The first scan for both ad hoc and continuous compromise assessments is always a baseline scan to obtain an overview of the current security and risk situation. If the Continuous Compromise Assessment is selected as a service package, follow-up scans are carried out at selected intervals, which build on the baseline scan and only look at the changes. Continuous Compromise Assessment in particular makes the analysis more efficient with each subsequent follow-up and potential attacks can be detected much more quickly.

In the analysis phase, our cyber defense experts examine the scan results and identify compromised IT systems. The events are described, divided into criticality classes and provided with clear recommendations for action. You will be informed immediately if the results are particularly critical.

After each scan, you receive a detailed report with all security-relevant results, detailed descriptions, evaluations and clear recommendations for action. The report will be presented to you in a video conference.

If you have been the victim of a cyber attack, our cyber defense experts will also support you in the areas of digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) to clarify the details of the crime and restore your IT operations as quickly as possible.

We also support you in implementing recommendations for action to improve your cyber resilience.

Our cyber defense experts will also be happy to assist you with further forensic investigations, restoring your IT infrastructure and improving your cyber resilience.

Compromise assessment using APT scanner

That's why SECUINFRA!

By using forensic methods and tools, we can quickly and reliably find traces of attacks. If we do not identify any Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) through our Compromise Assessment, you can be sure that your IT systems are "clean".
Compromise Assessment is by far the most reliable and efficient service for detecting compromised IT systems. Increase your cyber resilience through reliability and save costs through efficiency.

In 2017, SECUINFRA was one of the first companies worldwide to specialize in Compromise Assessment. Since then, we have been able to help numerous companies and have identified over 3,600 compromises in customer systems.

Prevent high damage by detecting compromised systems early. With our Compromise Assessment, we search for and find compromised systems on a daily basis and prevent major damage.

Play it safe and have your most critical systems scanned regularly by SECUINFRA Cyber Defense experts for Indicators of Compromise (IOC). We reliably find compromised systems in your infrastructure.

More informative blog posts and technical articles!

References in the area of Compromise Assessment

    SECUINFRA does not name clients or references publicly! Our customers’ desire for discretion always takes precedence over SECUINFRA’s marketing interests.

    We have developed our experience from countless DFIR deployments into the innovative “SECUINFRA Compromise Assessment” service, which we use to identify compromised systems cost-effectively and reliably. We consider Compromise Assessment to be one of the most important pillars of strong cyber resilience.
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