NAJU Brandenburg & SECUINFRA – Successes in the Spreewald workshop

We are convinced that every contribution is important to protect our environment. We are therefore pleased to have been supporting and promoting the NAJU Landesverband Brandenburg in its efforts for several years. NAJU is the largest children’s and youth association for nature and environmental protection in Germany. It does valuable work by motivating young people to get directly involved in nature conservation in their local area. It is committed to the preservation of nature in a variety of ways. This includes planting new trees, building fences to catch toads and maintaining orchards. The creation of habitats for birds and bats and the construction of ponds are also part of the activities.

Thanks to the funding, NAJU Brandenburg has developed innovative programs aimed specifically at getting young people between the ages of 13 and 26 interested in nature. A survey of young adults has shown that there is great interest in learning traditional crafts. In response, NAJU organized birdwatching events in April 2023 and 2024, during which a total of over 60 bird species were identified. The positive response to the events led to further workshops, including a basket weaving course in May 2023, which met with great interest. Respect for this dying craft grew noticeably among the participants. In October 2024, the NAJU will continue this series with a pottery workshop.

NAJU Brandenburg is also involved in the transformation of landscapes and plans to convert a pine monoculture into a robust mixed forest. The first step is to plant a wild hedge along the Raatschweg. Despite some challenges in the search for cooperation partners, the team is highly motivated to drive this project forward.

We are impressed by the commitment and motivation of the active children and young people and look forward to continuing on this important path together and thus making a contribution to a sustainable future.

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Dorothea Olig • Autor

Marketing Manager

Dorothea Olig is Marketing Manager at SECUINFRA and responsible for all marketing-related topics, both onsite and offsite.

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