On March 15, the Weißenfelser Wirtschaftsstammtisch met with about 40 entrepreneurs from various industries on the topic of “cyber security/hacking”.
To illustrate this topic and to raise awareness for IT security among the participants, Felix Gutjahr, Cyber Defense Consultant at SECUINFRA, was invited by the head of the office Tobias Voigt. During his hacking workshop, Felix Gutjahr illustrated the process and the possible extent of a hacking attack by means of a striking case study.
At the core of his hacking demonstration was the execution of a ransomware attack using a phishing email on a digitized bakery. Felix Gutjahr not only demonstrated the individual steps carried out by the attacker during his cyber attack, but also showed proactive and reactive measures in the event of a security incident.
“We would like to thank Mr. Gutjahr for his terrific presentation. The many positive feedbacks from the business community speak for themselves!”, summarized branch manager Tobias Voigt.
Based on the workshop, the following basic questions were answered for the participants:
- How does a hacking attack work?
- Which companies / industries are particularly affected?
- What options do attackers have?
- What scale can attacks assume?
- What is the current threat situation?
- What measures can be taken in the worst case?
Would you also like to strengthen your company’s digital security with a presentation or workshop by our cyber defense experts? Contact us online or call us: +49 30 5557021 11!