SECUINFRA as guest at the GFFT Security Lab

On 07.09.2023, a particularly exciting event will take place as part of the Security Lab of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers e.V. (GFFT). This time it’s about insights into the work of a Security Operations Center (SOC). The aim is to provide companies with practical support in recognizing attack attempts before they even lead to a – potentially momentous – attack. This is because the earlier a danger is identified, the greater the chances of taking suitable countermeasures in good time.

Joining us will be Ramon Weil, Founder & CEO of SECUINFRA GmbH, who will provide a technology overview of SOCs during the event. The Berlin-based security specialists can look back on many years of experience in operating SOCs. For Ramon Weil, it is therefore a matter of course to help other companies with his expertise: “Many companies do not yet have their own Security Operations Center or are still looking for the right organizational form. The Security Lab offers a good opportunity to find out more and clarify the most pressing questions with the experts present.”

GFFT’s Security Lab, with the theme “Insights: Security Operation Center (SOC),” will take place as a virtual event on September 7, 2023, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. In addition to SECUINFRA GmbH, security experts from various companies and research institutions are represented. Participation is free of charge; registration is required.

For registration and more information go HERE.

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Thomas Bode • Autor

Marketing Manager

Thomas Bode is Marketing Manager at SECUINFRA. In addition to marketing-related tasks, Thomas is also responsible for SECUINFRA's social commitment.

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