Thomas Bode

Marketing Manager

Thomas Bode is Marketing Manager at SECUINFRA. His professional roots are in the tourism industry, which is why he is responsible for planning and organizing corporate events at SECUINFRA, among other things. His goal is not only to find unusual destinations and locations, but also to come up with activities that will be remembered by everyone and that will make the team grow closer together. Besides all marketing-related topics, Thomas is also responsible for SECUINFRA’s social engagement.

Cyber security and artificial intelligence (AI) - these were the two major topics at the eighth Digitalization Forum on October 13 in Berlin.
How do operators of critical infrastructure (CRITIS) best defend themselves against cyber attacks? This important question was the focus of the KRITIS Praxis Forum on 10. and October 11 in Würzburg.
What an exciting first day at this year's KRITIS Praxis Forum: Our workshop on the topic of "Incident Response" met with tremendous interest among the participants.
The Berlin-based cyberdefense company SECUINFRA GmbH is one of the ten best Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) in the European Union.
This year's Digitalization Forum of the German Leasing Association (BDL) is themed "Brave New World - Potentials and Challenges of Cyber-Security and AI in Leasing".
This year's KRITIS Praxis Forum celebrates a small anniversary: It is the tenth event around Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) and IT security in critical infrastructures.
From now on, all SECUINFRA employees will benefit from this huge network, as the company pays the full fee for "Membership M".
Our two cyber defense experts Evgen Blohm and Marius Genheimer had an exciting experience at the #BSides conference in Frankfurt am Main last week.
Summer, sun and lots of fun: The Summer Team Event 2023 in Salzburg was a complete success.
How does a Security Operations Center (SOC) actually work? What are the regulatory requirements and how do they relate to proven best practices?
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