Thomas Bode

Marketing Manager

Thomas Bode is Marketing Manager at SECUINFRA. His professional roots are in the tourism industry, which is why he is responsible for planning and organizing corporate events at SECUINFRA, among other things. His goal is not only to find unusual destinations and locations, but also to come up with activities that will be remembered by everyone and that will make the team grow closer together. Besides all marketing-related topics, Thomas is also responsible for SECUINFRA’s social engagement.

Nina, Merlin, Markus & Marijo gave it their all until the end and actually finished 32nd out of 1,700 companies with an average time of 29:53 minutes. A big congratulations for this great achievement!
Exciting final for the Use Case Award 2023: In the end, SECUINFRA won the coveted award of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers e.V. (GFFT) in the category Cybersecurity.
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